5 May 2023 - Coronation Bombshell 'Charles & Camilla's son' Simon Dorante-Day says 'I have my proof' | EXCLUSIVE - 7NEWS Australia
I've received many requests from various media bodies for a statement about the Coronation I'm sure many of you are wondering how I'm feeling about all of this!"
So, I authored an Ode to the Coronation, as I found it easier to express my sentiment in this modality!
Yhe title is in Torres Strait Creole, it translates as "You two know what you've done!"
hashtag #NotMyKing.
The ode in full
U two sabe wannem u two been mekkem, is the poem's title.
Did you think I wouldn't remember? I know what you have done it begins.
When you did it, how, with whom Especially, my Mum.. You know what others do not, only you and I,
that you did come close, that you did come see, that you were there, both of you, and I.
Your masks and disguises didn't hide the memory of those times you came to visit, right there in front of me. The trauma you created guaranteed me that forever burnt into my mind, time hasn't altered that.
You both thought it was fun to play these little games, avoid surveillance, get away with it, just for your selfish gain.
What you forgot was that you left behind a trail of memories, and lots of pain to mark the times you interfered unseen.
Now that you accept your position as leader of the Church I hope your conscience, however small, will prick you till it bursts.
I hope that mirror upon which you stare lays you bare and falls! As you are just so far from, 'the fairest of them all'.
I see nothing honourable in celebrating your reward, But I do see something positive in watching your pride fall.
Ernest said, "Now Simon, there's something you should know", "the bigger they are... the harder they fall... and the further it is to go".
Maybe now you can stop lying, about when you both first met!
Maybe now you can be honest and explain the passage of events.
Maybe now that you are answerable to no one but yourselves, don't forget that God is watching you and recording all he knows.
So as that Crown descends upon your stately Royal brow remember that you take an oath, a solemn, honest vow.
It states that you must uphold the legal laws of this land and not deceive or lie, with tricky slight of hand!